
Bird various

The crow's reputation is bad, someone detest it, see it as an ominous things, think "crow called, came to" woe. In fact the crow is a bird of various ge, but little-known.

Ornithologists study found that, the crow's smart is surprising. Some of the roads in Europe, often can see the crow, because whenever trucks on the roads, the ground shake forced underground bugs often climb out of the ground, such a stretch, the crow mouth will eat the bugs. The crow will throw the walnut on the road, let the car for them the shell crushed, they then eat the fruit of shell.sunnypfq yaplog blog
The crow saw the dog is eating, often can have a few fly to peck it butt, to reverse attack dog, in addition a few it quickly to lower it snatched the food.

In Scandinavia fishermen often put yugan aside in the hole, the crow will use fishermen fishing in the opportunity, beak fishing line, line the rope drag, until the fish hooks appeared active fish. After having a delicious meal that several voice will fly away.

There are many birds are, by feeding the birds, grow up and fly all things. And the crow is different, the little crow grew up not only not to, and the mother is their parents filial piety. Old crow not fly, young ravens everywhere, and unable to feed back to me a bite. Old crow once illness, little crow also called for the funeral relatives and friends.

On the island, new caledonia the crow will also with leaves and twigs making catching insects "tool". They break some hooked twigs with the foot fixed, remove the bark and leaves with its beak, hook up with the imaging of the tools and fill, and then using these tools set a trap deceived and captured prey.

Grassland is the full of Shan HuiXian crow smell of the sheep droppings "dropped in the Wolf," paw to news and "navigation" Wolf, hungry Wolf tracking the crow find flocks, take away the negligence collie lamb. The Wolf cake-a, the crow to come for "off scraps." tonypfq blogspot blog

But there are some places think, run into the crow is writing on the wall and said it was "the bird of BaoSang". In fact, the crow is not a bird of ominous. Is it just like to eat animals bodies, their sense of decay, special sensitive in a great distance cadaver decomposing smell the faint scent, thus scrambling to fly to. The long illness dying patients before his death will release corruption, who had not died, smell crow had already smell and smelly. Perhaps this is the reason people away from the crow.

