
A good book on the promotion can play a good role

The book, there are women, what with the car "CengYun: there are women with the car, yan such as shun China; Someone this way "artistic conception" one word: best green tea, aroma and with a long finish,; Television ads 1: diamond forever, a forever, don't know how many lovers by heart...
"Someone said, the analogy is a wand. In the parable of the world, women, not women, not people, but flowers, grass, is water, a bird, is a mystery, the moon is the fox, is, is guanyin bodhisattva... parable of world is a world of magic." Mr. WangXiJie (in the parable fengshun prologue) visible, even if is a the most common parables, use skillfully, and also can "turn a decayed for magical".
As Mr. WangXiJie in the parable of the preface fengshun said that: people, create metaphor, metaphor, metaphor study using. People live in the sea, one of the analogy is the animal metaphors. People often say: the analogy is the flower of art. Yes, no parable, still can have a language of art?
PengDou NieYan professor new book, the rhetoric fengshun, can't help KuiRan metaphor, silently, meditation. About the parables, research papers and books of metaphor, but like many NieYan professor so comprehensive and original to display a parable of the new research system, it is rare. Let us from the "new" and "wonderful" place to enjoy his is attractive to it.
The parable of the NieYan fengshun (people's education press of ningxia yinchuan, November 2009) is a research "the essence of metaphor, scope, function and other aspects, a comprehensive professional reference books. Divided into 8, 270000 words of the theory, structure is clear, rich in content, the system integrity, it is NieYan professor of theoretical system of new parable presentation; As the author in new theory knowledge imagery is studied, the description in unique Angle of view and analysis of a large number of rhetoric phenomenon, and expand the parable field of study, for we show a new, metaphor study system, a alone rhetoric monographs.
This book is the biggest characteristic of "new".
A, polyester so update in new articles
The parable fengshun, the authors from the definition of parable (chapter 1), structure (the second chapter), foundation (chapter 3), logic analysis (chapter 4), classification (chapter 5), function (chapter 7) and use (chapter 8), etc DuoGe discussed, and the use of comparative innovation "dive and show", "zero and deviation concepts such as" to read again the connotation of parable (chapter 6), is called "theory".
The most valuable is, in the parable of NieYan fengshun, professor of eight basic parable of interpretation of the problem of the core, not locally, to use the new concept, isolated but the new view fusion as a whole, provides a complete theoretical system: each become not only a small system, and form a coherent system, make the person finds everything new and fresh.

