
Points to the difficult and long life

Relative to character, the long history of the universe short decades, just a moment. And with a person's life relatively it decades is all there is to it. This is by nearly thousand months, more than 20,000 LiuShiWanGe hours, days, nearly composed of more than three thousand million minutes. louis vuitton damier key pouch scribe n63094 lv wallets
During this long road, frost, snow and rain, suantiankula is must the gray. For of a truth that happy day everyone thought, happy thing everyone like. But "living life unpleasant things often 89". In the long life's journey, pain, suffering has always been with us.
Face the pain and suffering, we should like to do? May everyone has their own different methods. A brave man, face the pain. Craven person, avoid pain. But the wise choice, is to enjoy pain.
See here, some may say, wow, you crazy. People can enjoy happiness, enjoy happiness. A well. Enjoy pain Crazy, you are really crazy. Then you listen to a crazy man's crazy speech crazy language!
I think, treat painful attitude, first is to avoid it. There is no need an overcarer. However, in life, a lot of things is no way to avoid it. For this kind of pain and suffering, only dare to face is not enough. Should learn to enjoy it, enjoy the pain. So how to enjoy your pain?
A few years ago China out of a man, his name is ZhouHong. Is famous because he had a beautiful daughter. But when the daughter is more and more big, but he found his daughter has hearing serious obstacle. In general, the child for future ponders the road, was read deaf school. This is what kind of pain in the butt. Mr. Zhou once were also depressed, also have suffered. But he finally feel, no matter what he depressed, how pain. All have to face a couldn't change the fact that his daughter is deaf. So he decided, enjoy the pain.
He soberly realize, depression and pain, not just whining, it will affect the development of his daughter. Even let daughter think she is an encumbrance, is a waste. So he started from daughter sensible keep telling her that she was his parents' baby, parents' pride, because her parents happy. So, not only did he put the pain became enjoyment. Meanwhile in his education mode of the full of enjoy, his daughter didn't go to school, final day deaf went to study abroad. And more importantly, he and summarizes the education of China's "famous recognition."
In abroad have such a few words: "always don't cry over spilled milk." when you spilt milk, you must clearly understand: whatever you pain or frustrated, you can pick up the milk. If because this milk and affected your mood, and because of your mood and affected your day job, your loss and was more than a glass of milk? At this time, the most important is not to let it affect your mood. You want to do is clean. Then make your decision: either to blunt a glass of milk, or for a soya-bean milk. Remember, no matter what choice, you must be made if laughing.
Enjoy life and enjoy happiness, enjoy happiness. The more don't forget, enjoy the pain. You may never encounter way of pain, but ZhouHong teacher in life. But you may have the countless times over your hands of milk. Remember, whatever you make a kind of choice, not important (everyone has their own rights). Importantly, this time, you must take the smile on his face, this is to enjoy the pain.
Friend, when you even pain can enjoy, you still have what can't enjoy. When you connect all can enjoy, this world where else is there enough beautiful. When you think the world is full of beauty, you still have what reason not happy? louis vuitton damier key pouch organzer n61727 lv wallets

