
Countries for a time contac

LouZeDong seriously say: "according to my personal understanding of comrade Chen is a good comrade ago for countries to follow so DuoCi task many times is stopping in this dragon is chairman should have experience greatly he to complete the task not regarding his life we cannot doubt his personality."

"I was in the wood with Chen, countries for a time contact if not to him I may return not. I feel he is loyal to the people of the country." LongDing very glad to LouZeDong said the word is in charge of tiger point LouZeDong hall of his comments to Chen is very important.

"And although he is rich but Chen national donate a lot of money in this he did not into the tiger hall of the time we will know that he is a business at that time we also allow him to have your own business. Seriously at that time, if not make big strong to pull him into the tiger was still don't want to go in the hall, Chen. I also began to him so young as tiger hall as a coach skeptical afraid of him is not competent for but he did very well every time well to finish the task." LouZeDong said.

YanQiChang disagree to said: "there are some things can not see the surface I feel he is a bit overbearing think oneself have the skill can fly into the sky and he now has the ace of at least one thousand people these Numbers is how terrible!" YanQi fantasy to everywhere and dragon group, Chen against the limelight and tiger hall now than dragon group strong a lot.

LouZeDong smiled "at this point I can explain the peace in the inside of the security company player because we had many understaffed, Chen wants to borrow the people to make big thick, Chen for instructions. So peace of security company's hall of tiger ace the periphery of the organizations they helped us a lot. For example, the last thing if not peace huashan security company superior we tiger hall could not finish the task. Xu was also reported to me after I was also agreed to record some of the security company peace the personnel as tiger. So the periphery of the hall staff old strict you need not worry, Chen is not like that."

"I'm not doubt, Chen I just said that we also guard against it if a person's strength is too strong will

Let us feel uncomfortable if which day he changed this but our country a big trouble. "YanQiChang worry said.

"Old strict said sounds good" HanBin said. "Power is too strong to attention. But we want to believe that our comrades do not let him do so bad." disgust

LongDing approval at the HanBin one eye now here appeared two party different opinions he this you also the Lord have a little difficult everyone say are reasonable. Chen is reliable but also don't expel Chen may not reliable after a person is one who will become.

"So old it hard with a low, Chen communication strengthen his political ideological awareness. And I talk about my personal opinion, Chen is good to the comrades wagging the dog when we usually pay attention to pay attention to the method can't let off we think the country, Chen don't trust him." LongDing form opinions. This man is good, Chen but is too * women especially. LongDing remembered the secretary xiao li talked with his Chen give him a call to want to help things.

You see the dragon said its capital they no longer what to say. As KongHaoQi said each

Their options traders to somebody else want a special foreign business countries do is no reason to stop. Don't say, Chen Z is some people still run technically to foreign go to business!

