
Friends from afar, you also want me?

Deciduous cry, coach purses uk
Deciduous depression;
The tree crying,
The tree depression.
I asked why crying, leaves
It says: "I love the trees."
I asked the tree why crying,
It says: "I love leaves."
I asked why love trees, leaves
It said: "because we are friends, I cannot leave it!"
I asked the tree leaves, why do you love
It said: "think we are friends, I cannot leave it!"
I cried, I raised the fallen leaves on the tree,
Let them together forever. - the fallen leaves and trees"

Friends, friends have much important? Someone says a friend is your wealth, someone said friend is your strength, and some say friends is life of pillar and the lighthouse, no friend, life is meaningless. But whether must "together forever"? Can't the difficult way "don't expect everlasting, as long as it is once owned"? Party's on-off close, life is expressed, so, why should he importune must be gathered together? Maybe, we had hardly passed through the great sorrow or great joy of years, that sad tears time, don't know gather is originally this trace, so we don't have the following the open-minded son, also will not understand this -- "cherish every gathering warm, departures were glad." coach purses us

"Another year yellow leaves, a layer of autumnal rains a layer of cool. Restless pretty hard cold day, don't forget to add clothing, taking good care of your body plus catering, value the friendship is often thought, SMS sentiment long speech not, only wish more friends and health." The friend hair SMS, the in the mind unspeakable joy. Occasionally, think about her? Happy? Now doing what? With her post BingZhu implausible. Occasionally unconsciously hum up the "friends", emil chau memories together through the day. Occasionally in lonely, remembers her naughty smiling face.

